1. Dried plants with handwritten descriptions kept in the German
edition of Linnaeus’s plant taxonomy: Vollständiges Pflanzensystem,
vol. 1, Nuremberg: Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, 1777.
The work is a description of plant species according to their physical
characteristics and was probably used by a reader of the time to identify the
specimens he or she collected.
2. A book of excerpts from the botanical manual of Gottlieb Wilhelm
Bischoff, Lehrbuch der Botanik (1. ed. in 1834).
The drawings illustrating the geometry of the flowers are based on those
printed in the original book, but the author of the notes has drawn them
larger and added colours. The manuscript was written in Königsberg in
3. Notes from the lectures on zoology of vertebrates (animalia
vertebrata) by the professor of the University in Königsberg, Heinrich
Rathke (1793–1860), made in 1836 by the student Heinrich Rudolph
Schmidt, who later became the director of the school for girls in Elbląg.
4. Notes from the lectures on zootomy, methods of dissecting animals to
examine their internal structure, given by the professor of the University
in Königsberg, Heinrich Rathke (1793–1860) made by Heinrich Rudolph
Schmidt in 1836.